I am not going to make any excuses, but just so everyone knows I am a procrastinator so I have been putting off posting anything for almost 2 weeks now. And then I started writing this post, and I've been at it for a week now and every time I decided that I would finally post it, I got distracted by something or I just didn't feel like writing anything.
Anyway I am back to my lovely hometown in Ireland that is beside the sea, where I got to have a little bit of relaxation time at a festival the weekend I came back. That was before I realised what I complete mess of my studies I have made this year by only managing to pass 2 out of 6 exams! But all hope is not lost because I get a chance to do them again in September, which means I've to spend all my time this summer looking at the same things I spent all year looking at! Oh how fun the summer is turning out to be already!
So as a Sudanese person I do have an opinion about what is going on in Sudan, or as the case maybe what has already happened. To be completely honest it's not that I didn't care about what was going on in Sudan at first but it was more like I thought it was one of those political things that would work itself out, because I wasn't that interested in politics. But then I started to read up about it, because I've been doing a lot of digging up about my history and religion recently, and the more I read up I cared more and so when it was made official on July 9th I did feel a little bit sad. I don't know a lot about Sudan, I haven’t travelled to that many places in Sudan. I've been to Khartoum because that’s where our house is, the village where my parents grew up and Madani . But I always had in my plan that I would travel different parts of Sudan and get to know my heritage, now I feel like I can do that because Sudan is falling apart. Even though I am from the north, I can't say that I take their side, I just don't know enough information to take sides, all that I do know about is the civil war and that the north exploited the south because they had oil. All that I will say is that I hope this isn't one of those things everyone is really happy about and then it ends up going horribly wrong because of other people interfering
I also want to say how sorry and upset about what has happened in Norway recently, my thoughts go out to all the the family and friends of the people who lost their lives. Honestly I understand how something like this has affected the Norwegian people because I have friends from Norway and from when I hear them talking about Norway I can tell how proud they are and that the society there is very relaxed and democratic. I mean I didn't know this until recently but even gays are allowed to get married there, it seems that they have the attitude of “each o their own” that I would love if some countries had. What I am angry about is that this morning I read that the man behind all these attacks Anders Breivik, his lawyer believes he is insane so they might make a plea of insanity! Are you serious? The guy knew perfectly well what he was doing, he wrote a manifesto! He was a terrorist and so he should be treated like one! if this guy was a Muslim person who did the same thing no one would even take his lawyer seriously if he wanted to plea insanity! (Even if this was a Muslim person who did this I would still say they should be treated like a terrorist.) Violence is violence and I don't like people escaping punishment because of loop holes. If Hitler hadn't killed himself and there was a court hearing for his actions, would anyone take him seriously if he pleaded insanity? No because he was a terrorist as well!
On a brighter note! I watched this movie last night and I was only half way through it that I realised that I'd read the book it was adapted from. I loved the movie, it was one of those rare movie that actually captured how great the book was. It might not be everyone cup of tea but it's a very cute and innocent movie! I promised myself I will post more often so I already have another post lined up after this about the plan for the rest of the summer!