Saturday, 26 March 2011

One thing leads to another

Ever notice how just one thing that puts you in a bad mood for a few hours will turn into a whole week of Murphy's law? (Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong). 
   I have a quick and really bad temper, and it started with an Irish classmate from here telling me that he was in contact with the Irish ambassador to here and she wanted to have lunch with the Irish students who were studying here to get to know them. Sounds cool right? Little did I know what a complete waste of time it was going to be, because long story short he had messed up, told her he wasn't going to be able to make it and only decided to tell me this the night before. That as small as it may seem got me temper fired up because of all the other things that have been adding up to it, mainly;
   My left shoulder is in bits(pretty certain it's the same injury I had a few years ago, to which I didn't finish my antibiotics for, is coming back again), my throat is still soar because of the swollen tonsils (For the first time in my life I have tonsillitis) I've had for the last month to which my father continues to tell me will be fine, and leave them be, my eye is soar and red for no reason, I'm starving because all I've had to eat is coke and two cups of tea because I have no money left on my account and when I tried to ask my sister if dad has sent me money she got annoyed hung up on me cause I didn't want to go on skype cause I was already in a bad mood from my phone not working, and the fact that I haven't had a proper nights sleep for a week (because of the yet again number of exams I have) resulting in me sleeping during the day but being interrupted every time by the loud banging on the door coming from the bin man looking for my neighbour. And all I wanted to do was talk to two people about it both of whom chose to ditch me, so I turned off my phone, signed out of facebook, skype and msn. Locked myself in my room and sat down reading all the book blogs I've recently found out about. To of no avail I'm still in a bad mood and until one of these problems is solved it doesn't look like it's going to change. Still I'm going to go to sleep optimistic, maybe tomorrow things will change for the better?

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